Aviation biofuels – in or out?

I have a potential piece of work on aviation biofuels. It is common for me to be invited into project consortiums for pilot projects in...

What to do now in deep decarbonisation

First rule: no offsets (summarising the Emissions Gap Report 2022) The gap is now 12-23 (30%-45%) gigatonne of annual emissions between the promised reductions and...

Camping in the Voice referendum

In New Zealand, 27% of the population believes the Treaty should play a larger role in New Zealand law, while 36% believes the Treaty should...

Finding the space

“Music is the space between the notes,” Attributed to composer, Claude Debussy, At the core of ball sports (basketball, soccer, rugby, NFL, hockey) is space....

‘Elites’ and misery: Australia’s numbers

Peter Turchin’s ‘End Times‘ builds the case for a data-driven interpretation (and prediction) from historical evaluation of prior social dislocations. He is abit famous as...