Another briefing

Last year, I ran three briefings. Two on Investing for Good and a bespoke briefing on the ESG Trends, Models and Lessons Learnt for a fund manager.

I want to run a workshop at the end of February or early March so I have to decide on a topic, participants and format. Good advice is to work out the appropriate proportion of time dedicated to each of these areas.

I have two previously built presentations (which associated formats) that I can re-use for new participants. My marketing email list doesn’t have enough people who were not contacted for the Investing for Good workshop and the ESG Trends briefing is too specialized for fund managers, which I don’t have a long list of (and there are not many managers in Brisbane).

So, I have three choices:

  • Spend my time adding another 200+ relevant people in Brisbane to my marketing list for the Investing for Good briefing (Focus: 90% participant, 5% topic, 5% format)
  • Change the ESG Trends briefing into a more general briefing about ESG and try to market it to the existing network and find relevant financial people (Focus: 60% participant, 35% content, 5% format)
  • Build a new briefing from scratch based on the current marketing list I have (Focus: 20% participant, 40% content, 40% format)

Given that I want to run this in late February/ early March, what would be easiest to have the bare minimum to market? What would give me the greatest chance of getting a full room? What would give me new information and/or skills for use in my advisory business?

My marketing list is predominantly land, agriculture and environmental NGOs as well as a few sustainable investor people. So a new topic for the same marketing list would have to intersect with those areas.

At the same time, I have a few topics on which I have undertaken substantial research:

  • Data privacy
  • Animal protein production
  • Investing in water
  • Carbon projects in Queensland
  • Renewable energy bankruptcies
  • ESG and impact investing

There are also potential co-presenters with detailed understanding (and marketing lists) but I will have to split the revenue depending on their contribution.

So I now have to think about what questions people might be facing in my target audience.

Time to get on the phone and ask people.