Smoking gun – does public opinion align with Australian climate policy position?


Public belief in climate is high as is support for significant action (Net Zero Emissions 2050). The position of Australia versus public opinion is divergent enough to warrant further analysis as to the role of lobbying and campaign finance.

What do Australians think?
A graph showing 64 per cent of Australians want a net-zero by 2050 target.

Majority of public believes in climate change and supports a Net Zero Emission 2050 policy. Opinion polls indicate that Federal Government is seen as having greatest responsibility for leading.

Policy analysis

In 2017, the Climate Action Tracker ranked Australia as being in the middle of the pack (Insufficient) and aligning with the 2-3 degree world but ahead of major economies such as China and the US.

In 2018, the Climate Action Tracker indicated that Australia’s targets were weak on a per person basis.


The key questions, therefore on Australian climate policy in relation to the rest of the globe is whether Australia should move to a 2 or 1.5 degree compatible position.