My business – a 4 year refresh

I have begun to ask ‘those’ questions about my business:

  • Why aren’t I able to charge what I want?
  • Why can’t I only work on the projects that I want?
  • If this is success, why does it feel hollow and insubstantial?
  • Who is going to pay me more?
  • Who is going to hire me more?
  • The world is moving too fast – why would people hire me?
  • How could I ever hire someone to do the kind of work that I do?

I am moving back into the job mindset – focused on pay, recognition, promotions and only doing the work that I want to do.

It all feels like this –

I picked up Michael’s book The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and it builds the case that I am running a business in its infancy. I do all of the work (the Technician) and am slowly but surely burning myself out. I haven’t hired anyone cause I think they will be able to do this work. I have focused more on ‘doing the work that I want’ rather than empowering my clients.

This is at a time that the market has never had greater demand for my business.

All of what my business was set up to do is now more important than ever.

But that is the problem – I have not clearly defined what my business wants to achieve (the vision) and how it will achieve that (the customer and the product).

Michael says that I have to learn how to work on my business not in my business.

Easier said than done.

But I want to use this blog to do the work on my business.

Starting now!