Finding the space

“Music is the space between the notes,”

Attributed to composer, Claude Debussy,

At the core of ball sports (basketball, soccer, rugby, NFL, hockey) is space.

Skills and drills build the muscle memory to take advantage of micro-second lapses in concentration, players out of position.

But space wins.

Look at this image below of a ‘simple’ play from the National Football League.

My small understanding is that the range of movement, deception and skill (ball throwing, running, blocking) is to get one or two offensive players with micro-second space advantages. This advantage might be being ahead of their defender, being outside of their defender or even completely open downfield

It is not important that the play be understood, just that the philosophy is that ‘space’ is the aim.

Same as soccer

A1 passes to A2 who drives inside. All other players (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) then have defined roles to create space based on the decision of the defenders.

So space is reactive, it is not just the plan but the response of the other team that defines the space.

The push and pull of the competition but space is goal.

Now basketball.

Similar screening and shifting to create space in basketball.

So why does this matter to me?

Because it is clarifying.

My skills can always better, I can always know more and think more.

But skills do not create successes.

It is finding space to use those skills – in between, around, above, below.

Spaces where no-one else is are wherre things can be done.