Camping in the Voice referendum

In New Zealand, 27% of the population believes the Treaty should play a larger role in New Zealand law, while 36% believes the Treaty should play less of a role, and 35% believes the current role of the Treaty in New Zealand law is sufficient.

This might seem like a losing proposition but the 27% is up from 15% in less than a decade.

Treaty is a growing word in our national discussion – no doubt – and there is evidence that generational change will strengthen the call for treaty.

The Referendum camps seem set along the lines of the table below.

Yes and No for the Voice only (the actual question of the referendum) and related but separate disagreement about the relationship between the Voice and the other two elements of the Uluru Statement from the Heart (treaty and truth-telling).

Voice onlyVoice, treaty and truth-telling
YesYes Yes and want the Voice accompany treaty and truth-telling
UndecidedYes/NoYes and/ No but
NoNoNo but I am committed to the treaty/truth-telling process

It is wheels within wheels.