Ideas and predictions over the last five years – a check in
A review of some of the thinking from this blog and updates Key takeaways Ideas and predictions Post Summary Update How does that change how...
This robot life – my adventures with ChatGPT
Some notes on what I have experienced in the last three weeks of ChatGPT. Successes: Failures: Scary: So it should not be used for:...
Poverty abolition and ChatGPT
Truth is the user's job......
How do you ask a good AI question?
I have completed over 100 hours of machine learning/AI online courses and I now get to put that learning into practice – I get to...
Almost two years ago, I completed the Machine Learning course from Stanford University on Coursera. It was a brutal course using Octave mathematical software to...
Programming vs. machine learning
What would an investor group for data privacy focus on?
In 2018, I co-authored a report on data privacy for the IRRC which showed some scary statistics for investors who think that the current state...
AI tells you what it suspects you want to hear
If we changed Artificial Intelligence making into Automated Decision-Making, we would communicate far more about the aims of the AI movement than we currently do....
Ethics in an automated world
I made a comment that the ‘degree most needed for society in the coming years is an arts degree’ on a panel discussing the future...