Category: Incentives

What to do now in deep decarbonisation

First rule: no offsets (summarising the Emissions Gap Report 2022) The gap is now 12-23 (30%-45%) gigatonne of annual emissions between the promised reductions and...

Treasurer’s Orphan Manifesto

Others have commented on Treasurer Chalmer’s value-based economy essay in the Monthly, calling it an attack on capitalism. What interests me is the silence from...

Advisory business – Who is the ideal customer?

Let’s start with an analysis of existing clients: Client Infrastructure Advisor Investment manager Investment research Strategic advisor % of revenue 85% 5% 8% 2% Demographics...

Big questions

I have neglected the blog as I have been distracted over the last few weeks. Caught up in horizon watching for the pandemic wave. It...

Centre for Public Integrity

The 15 reforms promoted by the Centre of Public Integrity cover much of the elements that I have been discovering over the last two months....