Category: Incentives

Anti-climate change and asset revaluation

Buy low, sell high One of the things that I am interested in within the politics-lobbying-climate change nexus is motivations and incentives. To date, my...

Job offers and political influence

An interesting section of the ‘Corruption in America’ is the discussion on the corrupting nature of suggesting that a political figure may be employed once...

Political influence policies

A review of political influence policies of some of the Federal parties (Coalition, Labor and the Greens) highlights the divergent views. The efficacy of the...

Building a mailing list

This blog is an idea car park – I park ideas, diatribes, rants and rumblings. It turns my thoughts into words and makes those words...

Australia: Land of many carbon prices

There is no national price on carbon in Australia at the moment. However, there are number of implicit and sectoral carbon prices. This profusion of...

Congestion as business model

What is your business model is to take time (and related productivity) from other road users? I have notice a growing discussion on congestion in...