Category: Investing

The best scenario analysis explanation

Scenario analysis focuses on the areas of greatest uncertainty for an operation, systematically develops several plausible alternative future environments in which the operation might be...

“So…. what are you building?’

Starting a business feels routine and there is relief in getting some paid work but there is a nagging question of ‘what am I aiming...

Another briefing

Last year, I ran three briefings. Two on Investing for Good and a bespoke briefing on the ESG Trends, Models and Lessons Learnt for a...

Growth, re-investment and taxation

Let's get down to brass tacks. I believe that economic growth in the modern economic is primarily the interaction between government, companies and speculators....

Investing in climate adaptation opportunities

Looking across the field of climate adaptation investments, I see climate adaptation bonds that raise money from investors to fund climate adaptation projects and some...