‘Dark Emu’ by Bruce Pascoe

Every two pages, I had to put this book down and reassess one of my core beliefs about Australia. I believed that aboriginals were primarily...

Nobel Memorial Prize

The degrees of separation between a winner of this year’s Nobel memorial prize in economics and I are small enough to warrant mentioning. One degree...

Increasing yield spreads

Economics doesn’t prepare you for the financial system. An degree in environmental economics is another step away again. If you read enough financial literature, you...

Ethical creep

It’s not the last ethical slip that gets you, it’s the first…. Ethical creep (my phrase) is the slow moving process that characterizes how most...

Quasi-circular economy or <1%, >60%, >80%

The thesis is that a circular economy will require growth in material consumption (primary and recycled materials) of less than 1%, a recycling rate greater...