Things I have learnt about flood insurance

What is the difference between flood insurance that is unaffordable vs. a house that is uninsurable? Not much to a resident. Premiums are doubling, tripling...

Treasurer’s Orphan Manifesto

Others have commented on Treasurer Chalmer’s value-based economy essay in the Monthly, calling it an attack on capitalism. What interests me is the silence from...

Advisory business – Who is the ideal customer?

Let’s start with an analysis of existing clients: Client Infrastructure Advisor Investment manager Investment research Strategic advisor % of revenue 85% 5% 8% 2% Demographics...

My business – a 4 year refresh

I have begun to ask ‘those’ questions about my business: I am moving back into the job mindset – focused on pay, recognition, promotions and...

How I found myself outside ESG in 2022

I started in ESG in 2013. In 2022, the global funds under management are now 21.5% of global investments. I do not work full time...