Now you feel it

When we were living in the US during the early days of the Trump Administration, we watched a rather unique event. It was not particularly...

Books that need to be written

“If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” – Toni Morrison My books:...

Jim Chanos – five models for fraud

I have followed Jim Chanos since moving to New York. His recent interview in Hedgeye on fraud is incredible and mirrors many of the little...

An employment regulation avoidance system

The recent discussion on the viability and credibility of the ‘gig economy’ is not a new discussion. Commentators have been My former firm, Cornerstone, published...

Building a mailing list

This blog is an idea car park – I park ideas, diatribes, rants and rumblings. It turns my thoughts into words and makes those words...