
Strabo’s Delta refers to two interesting topics for me. Firstly, Strabo (64 or 63 BC – c. AD 24) was a noted geographer who used narratives alongside quantitative assessments to develop vivid and useful descriptions of regions across Europe, Eurasia and North Africa during his lifetime resulting in the map below. Therefore, the Delta refers to the geographic feature as the geographer’s ability to develop informative maps of unknown regions and things. Secondly, Strabo was noted for his ability to understand the relative strengths and weaknesses of regions based on economic, social and environmental factors. In that assessment, I see the ability to understand how things might change i.e. the Delta in math.

Map of Europe according to Strabo

Hi, I am Sebastian Vanderzeil. I read and read and think and think. This blog is a record of that reading and those thoughts. Updated regularly and focused on issues that appeal those who are interested in exploring how trade-offs, risk and complex systems impact on every issue. My career focuses on the mega challenges and wicked problems. I have a bachelors in environmental economics (Hons 1st class) and an MBA from New York University.